Tag: Daily Book Dose

Bly Stays Home

Photo by Kyndall Harkness, Minneapolis Star & TribuneKudos to the University of Minnesota for coming up with the money to acquire the archive of Robert Bly, arguably Minnesota's greatest literary figure since John Berryman.For $775,000 they get:1. 80,000 pages of handwritten manuscripts2. his journal spanning nearly 50 years3. notebooks of his "morning poems";4. drafts of translations;5. hundreds of audio and videotapes,6. correspondence and first dibs on all future outputIt is a refreshing change to have an author's archive stay in his hometown. So much of a writer's output relates to their sense of place and something is lost each time...

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Book Thief Hall of Shame

Another book thief caught - another book thief goes unpunishedNorman Buckley, a librarian at Manchester Central Library in England was convicted of stealing more than 450 books in a little over a year and then selling some of them online. The judge stated that Buckley "threatened the city's literary heritage" then handed down a 15 month suspended sentence meaning he doesn't serve any jail time. One would think the judge might have a higher regard for the city's literary heritage.A librarian caught stealing books - Oouch!Read full article

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