Tag: Daily Book Dose

The "Bible Guy" Thrives While the Bible Factory Outlet Dies

Rich Kastura is known to his fellow churchgoers as "the Bible guy" No he is not the pastor but a heating and plumbing technician who when business is slow drives around the neighborhood collecting and delivering Bibles. He calls his gig the "Word On the Street Ministries"Airbrushed on the side of his van "Need a Bible, ask me for one."It all began when he started trying to find 70 bibles for kids in a youth group. Katsura says "When it's [the Bible] in the hands of young people, it can give a lot of inspiration...People need to know that others...

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In Some Places Today is World Book Day

Today is World Book Day, a "worldwide celebration of books and reading"in the UK.For scheduling reasons the UK has celebrated on March 1st. For the rest of us we have to wait until April 23rd for World Book Day which happens to also be the day that both Shakespeare and Cervantes died.No matter what world you live in this is a big day."A main aim of World Book Day is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own"What else can you ask for.Whenever you...

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One Way To Attract Attention To Your Bookstore

"I just couldn't take it anymore, so I put up the sign" says Nancy Locken owner of Auntie Em's bookstore in Minneapolis.She says that if anything the sign has helped business and that she finally doesn't feel "so helpless and hopeless anymore"Locken is also offering her customers a free sign with every purchase.A couple of people have come in and complained about the sign but since they didn't buy anything Locken says she will "save her consideration for her paying customers and for the poor soldiers that have been so cruelly used and abandoned by George Bush and his cronies"The...

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Coming Soon: The First Annual Book Blog and Web Awards

Well after all it is the day after the Oscars.The Seventh Annual Weblog Award nominees were announced recently and for at least the fourth year in a row there isn't one book blog to be found.C. Max Magee at The Millions (A Blog About Books) had a great post this past week titled "The Assimilation of the Book Blog" were he addresses this annual snub of book bloggers.I have noticed that at times it seems difficult for sites to find the right category for the book blog. For example: Book Patrol posts are occasionally picked up by Reuters.com. The are...

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Rent or Exchange: The Next Wave For Books Online

There has been lots of talk of late about the new rental model for audiobooks. The model which is basically the Netflix web-based, subscription format is being embraced by audiobooksonline in the UK and BooksFree in the U.S.In addition to the audiobooks, Booksfree also is an online book exchange.The deal:-80,000 paperbacks in stock- The number of titles you rent depends on your membership plan and how quickly you return each order.-Plans range from 2 books for $8.49 a month to 12 at a time for $35. Why they call themselves Booksfree is a little baffling.-Paperback books are shipped 2-3 books...

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