Tag: Drug literature

American Junkie

 If you’ve ever stood in front of the mirror and knew you'd be a better rock star than anyone ever dreamed, and later that night made it ever more true by getting drunk and higher than Jesus, then you'll like this book. If you've ever lined up coke or heroin but didn't have the guts to shoot it straight to your blood, you'll love this book. If you’ve ever wondered why people do drugs even when it’s killing them and they know it, this book will help you understand. And if you think that all junkies are nothing but degenerates,...

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This Is Your Brain On Books

There has been a spate of recent books covering new research upon how our brains work and the human decision-making process. Madeleine Bunting, at the Guardian, nicely sums up the science and its implications. It turns out that just about all of our assumptions about free-will, autonomy, and rationality in our choices and decisions are chimerical.I was reminded of this just the other day when I received the following note from a close friend and rare book collector with a Ph.D,, and who has been certified as sane. His first note limns an extraordinary find in which serendipity smiled upon...

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