Tag: Encyclopedia Britannica

Teens vs. The Encyclopedia

[youtube]https://youtu.be/X7aJ3xaDMuM[/youtube] Q:  Are there any benefits to a physical encyclopedia compared to the internet or wikipedia? A: I'm pretty sure there is but no. Fine Brothers Entertainment produces  a video series called REACT where they present participants with a topic and then discuss. The latest episode features a group of teens reacting to an encyclopedia. OMG, it's both hysterical and terrifying at the same time.   

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A Good Burn: Bibliocide by Julian Baggini

Julain Baggini begins his piece at aeon by asking the right questionNo civilised person is supposed to make bonfires of books. ‘Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings,’ wrote the German poet Heinrich Heine in the century before Nazism. Burning books is a sacrilegious act, and the taboo against it particularly binds writers. So what was I doing in a Somerset field lighting a match under the 32 volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica?He then explains his process and his dilemma in detail. In the end it is very difficult to see any reason why...

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The Encyclopedia Britannica in the Hands of Simryn Gill

A couple of months ago it was announced that after 200+ years the Encyclopedia Britannica would cease publishing a printed edition. The granddaddy of all encyclopedia's had finally succumbed; becoming the latest casualty of the digital revolution.So what to do with all those sets of bound knowledge that are strewn across the planet?How about turning them into a flotilla of paper boats!In her 2008 installation Paper Boats Australian artist Simryn Gill offered up the 1968 edition of the encyclopedia to the public and invited them to turn its pages into origami boats.In a review of an exhibit of Paper Boats...

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