Tag: Jesus Christ

The 6 O’Clock News with William Shakespeare

The Bard of Avon as Elizabethan talking-head anchorman?"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears - you wont believe what's goin' on! But if I tickle you, will you not laugh?Jon Lajoie is a Montreal-based comedian who, after graduating Dawson College’s theatre program in 2001, became a hit man to supplement his non-existent income from acting. “Between 2001 and 2007 [he] assassinated (in a ninja-like fashion) an estimated 40,000 people, and an estimated 9,000 fish. (In early 2004, demand for assassination was low, so for three months he held a part-time job as a fisherman)."That averages out to 15.65 human and...

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New Book on Prepuce at the Precipice

The details of the mysteries of the carne vera sacra have now been unsheathed.Those expecting cooking news about a nuova cucina Italian delicacy will be disappointed. We’re talking foreskin here, and not just any foreskin but THE foreskin of the ages – the “miraculous membrane” of Jesus Christ.As discussed in a piece in The New Yorker, travel writer David Farley has published his first book, An Irreverent Curiosity: In Search of the Church’s Strangest Relic in Italy’s Oddest Town. Within, he relates that the foreskin of Jesus Christ went missing from a church in the village of Calcata, a medieval...

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