Tag: Military Science

The Man Who Taught da Vinci How to Play Darts (and Trumped Galileo)

 Titlepage to De unius legis veritate et sectarum falsitate opus utilissimum y perspicacissimum. “Monti! Monti! Monti!”The awkward, manic indecision of of a Let’s Make A Deal contestant as channeled by George Carlin?No, just a simple exclamation asserting who wrote about the relative velocity of falling objects first, Galileo or Pietro Monti?Monti Hall Who?Warrior, scholar, theologian, and noble, Petrus Montius aka Pietro Monti (c.1457-1530) was a Spanish master at arms living and studying in Northern Italy who wrote volumes on military theory, martial arts, and science and nature, all of which are obscure, quite rare, and have only recently come to light....

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