Tag: Rare Books Sex Scandal Politics U.S. Goverment Mark Sanford Romance Novels Eliza Haywood King George II Walpole

Sex! Scandal! Political Intrigue! (What Else Is New?)

Those who, like your ace reporter, avidly track the national SPRM (Sex&Politics-Related Meltdown) count will have noticed the recent spike in SPRM motility; the press has been absolutely pregnant with recent news from this fertile field of government.Nothing new here to report except that this is nothing new - really nothing new. Presenting:The Secret History of the Present Intrigues of the Court of Caramania, a roman à clef from 1727 that tore the royal bedsheets off the reigning monarch's bedstead, exposed his intimate dalliances, and laid bare political hostilities.I will not torture you with guessing games. "The central character and...

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