Tag: San Francisco

Bar Reading

At one time or another I bet most of us have read alone at a bar either as an evening activity or while we waited for a friend.Of course, some places are more user friendly than others for the biblio "stool pigeon," so one must choose their reading bar wisely. In Bookin' It to the Bar Matt Bloom "opens a chapter on watering holes" in San Francisco by offering his take on which bars are more conducive for the solitary act.Perhaps a kickstarter campaign is in order for Mr. Bloom so he can travel around the country in search of the best book-friendly bars.Bookin' It...

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Literary Journeys: A new poster series by Owen Smith for BART

The latest installment of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) poster series is a set of three original book-themed posters by Owen Smith.The series features three literary icons from the Bay Area;  Dashiell Hammett, Jack London and Amy Tan. In each poster a commuter is reading one of the author's books while related imagery swirls around them.The image above features characters from Hammett's The Maltese Falcon while out the train window you see the sign for John’s Grill, the iconic Union Square restaurant that appears in the book. Next is Jack London's 1903 novella The Call of the Wild. A...

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