Tag: The Business of Books

25 cent e-books: Unbridled success or just the nature of the Internet?

The numbers are in from Unbridled Books catchy 25 e-books for 25c promotion.For those who missed this one it was a partnership between Unbridled Books and the ABA (American Booksellers Association) in which independent bookstores across the country that where set up for e-book commerce could offer a range of books from the publisher for 25 cents each.During the three day event 145 independent bookstores sold a total of 15,807  e-books (this number does not include the e-books sold at Powells or other large shops that do not use the ABA e-commerce platform). Though acknowledging that the model is indeed...

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Oregon opens an investigation into those blue book donation boxes

 Photo: Randy Rasmussen/The Oregonian The Charitable Activities Section of the Oregon Department of Justice has opened an investigation into Reading Tree and Thrift Recycling Management, the two companies behind many of those blue 'Books for Charity' boxes that have been popping up all around the country. Close to 100 boxes have begun to infest the state of Oregon alone.In late May of 2009 we did a piece on Book Patrol, About Those Blue Book Donation Boxes, outlining the shady nature of these boxes. At the time of the post over 15,000 boxes where in place around the country.We discovered that:51%...

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Amazon’s Next Price War?

Thinking of having a promotion or a sale on your website to help you sell some books? Now think again, for any attempt to promote your own business might cost you one of your deepest revenue streams.Amazon's latest 'our way or the highway' policy involves independent third-party sellers on their European websites. The same stranglehold Amazon has on publishers is now being placed on independent booksellers.  Amazon's New Rule:Any book listed on Amazon must be sold at the same price or cheaper than it appears on any other website including the booksellers' own websites.Any bookseller found in violation is subject...

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The Half-Life of Dan Brown and John Grisham

Tim Spalding over at LibraryThing did some number crunching from the various book swap sites that are integrated with LibraryThing to find out what the Top Wanted and Unwanted books are. Dan Brown not only took home the dubious honor of the book most people want to get out of their lives with the Da Vinci Code but he also secured the 2, 3, and 7 slot of the top twenty-five with his books Angels & Demons, Deception Point and Digital Fortress.But the award for the most books on the list goes to John Grisham with an astounding 13 titles on...

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Separation of Church and Books? Pastor Signs Books Between Services

Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas is arguable the biggest congregation in the nation. The church is housed in the old Compaq Center which used to be the home of the Houston Rockets basketball team. On any given Sunday 40,000 people pack the church to listen to Osteen spew his version of the gospel.With a following like that one would expect Osteen to earn a hefty paycheck from the church but not a single penny of the church's money goes to Osteen. All his money comes from his books. His Wikipedia entry lists him as a best-selling author first...

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