Take My Library, Please

Talk about wanting to move on

Artist Robin Pacific has had a tough couple of years and is doing away with her library as a way to sever herself from her past.

A biblo-cleanse if you will.

Pacific, a former professor of English, Canadian literature, Theatre and Women’s Studies, is exorcising her library of 30 years through an exhibit/installation at the Red Head Gallery in Toronto.


-All the books are free
-Collection of 1670 books
-Includes rare, out-of-print and general books
-Books are hung laundry-like from their spines on string
-Each book bears the inscription: “This book is a gift for you from Robin Pacific.”
-Disposable cameras available to take photos of the disappearing archive
-Shopping bags will be provided to take home the goods

“Giving them away is a means of putting my consciousness out into the world, and isn’t that what all artists do, regardless of the medium?” says Pacific

Can’t argue with that.

I am sure every collector will grimace at this seemingly unfathomable act but once the pain subsides I bet they will feel that tinge of freedom!

Thanks to BookLust for the lead