The Bush Presidential Library : "A Halloween House of Horrors"

During her appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show last night Tina Brown, currently founder and editor-in-chief of the Daily Beast, had this to say about what Bush is doing during his final months in office:

“One of the things that I’m told at the moment is that Bush is entirely focused right now on his legacy, on his library,” she said. “That’s all he really wants to talk about is his library. Because he’s trying to build a legacy. But quite honestly, one can only think that that library is a Halloween House of Horrors. From the Guantanamo room to the Abu Ghraib room to the Hurricane Katrina room, this is going to be a very interesting library when it is built.”

via Huffington Post

Previously on Book Patrol:
A Payne in the Bush : Fundraising Scandal at the Bush Presidential Library
The Dark Side of the Bush Presidential Library
And the Envelope Please: Designs for the George W. Bush Presidential Library