The Librarian: Hollywood Style

The documentary film from Overdue Productions “The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians Through Film” will premier in a couple of weeks at the ALA Conference in Washington, D.C.

Here’s the trailer:

It is the first full-length documentary film to focus on the work and lives of librarians, offering “a unique and charming blend of film clips, humor and critical analysis of the popular image of librarians.” The film weaves interviews with real librarians with “movie clips of cinematic librarians.”

This trailer focuses more on the interviews with librarians (after all the film is premiering at the ALA Conference) but I can’t help but wonder if they have another preview featuring those movie clips?

I think this one might have legs.

The Hollywood Librarian website
Their blog and their videoBehind the Scenes of The Hollywood Librarian
ALA Press Release