The Ultimate Twitter Book Challenge

Ulysses has been Twittered. Moby Dick is being Twittered. Numerous other writers have taken to Twitter to try their hand. Picador recently launched a Twitter book club and James Bridle just published a book of his Tweets.

Where does that leave us?

Might it be time for The Ultimate Twitter Book Challenge?

Here are the rules:

140 characters
2 x a day, submitted at 1:40
must be completed in 140 days

Winning entry will be published in an edition of 140 signed and numbered hardback copies and 1400 paperbacks. There will be a 140 second book trailer and the author will undertake a 14 city book tour. If all goes well the book will be adapted into a 140 minute epic film and you will be famous for at least 140 minutes.

Any publishers want to underwrite?