"We, Too, are Book Artists" An Exhibition of African American Book Art

Hats off to The Minnesota Center for Book Arts for putting this one together. It is being curated by Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. and is being hailed as the first ever exhibit focusing solely on the work of African American book artists.

The show contains the work of over 20 black book artists from across the nation.

As one would hope, the show conveys a “strong social justice theme.”

MCBA Director Jeff Rathermel says of the shows participants:

They’re putting forth strong messages, either from a social perspective or a personal perspective..But there’s a sincerity in the work that shines through. And if you, as a reader and viewer, can look at something and know that the artist feels very strongly about it, but puts it in a context that you can understand, that’s where the real power of the art comes through

Bisa Washington. In The Event Anyone Disappears 1988
Sewn leather binding; beads and mixed media

Dindga McCannon. A Week in the Life of a Black Woman Artist 2006. Accordion binding; over dyed cotton fabric, paint, beads, photo transfers, angelina fibers and found materials.

Marianne Combs piece at Minnesota Public Radio, while your there you can also listen to the piece.