82% Still Curl : Zogby Polls Readers

Random House hired Zogby International to get out there and find out what is going on in the world of reading and book-buying. They polled a little over 8,000 people and here are some of the highlights and lowlights:

82% say they still prefer to “curl up with a printed book” rather than reading online or using an e-reader or smartphone.

Only 3% of those surveyed currently own an e-book reader, and only 4% have plans to purchase one.
A whopping 80% reported that they have no plans to purchase an e-book reader!

Independent bookselling did not fare so well in the survey either:
The top three retail choices for buying books were buying online (77%), buying books from a chain bookstore (76%), and buying from an independent bookstores (49%).

When asked if they “regularly” shop at an independent bookseller only 33% said yes and 64% said no!

When asked if “the trend toward bookstores with a ‘community center’ feel make you want to visit and linger at bookstores,” 41% said yes and 43% said they it didn’t make much of a difference.

Most book buyers head to a bookstore with a purpose but often they buy something in addition to what they came for.
77% say they end up buying something else. These unplanned book purchases are heavily influenced by subject matter (48%) though the book’s design also plays a key role.

30% of the readers surveyed said that they had spent less time reading books over the past year 23% reporting that they had spent more time and 53% said that of the books they bought last year between and one and five of them have yet to be read.

In the end, the good news is that the printed book still reigns supreme, the bad news is that where and how people buy them has changed drastically.

Story at the ABA’s Bookselling This Week
Random House press release
Zogby International’s Poll final report (pdf)