Book Covers You Can Laugh At

Minimal blood loss guaranteed, 12 easy steps, using household items.

‘Wouldn’t it be funny if you were sitting on the subway reading a book and the cover said something like, How to Murder a Complete Stranger and Get Away With It?’ And yeah, I mean, just imagine what people around you would think — especially when you finished it.”

The quote above came from Michelle Watters’ husband and was the spark that got the ball rolling for Flapart a “company that could create, develop, print and sell covers that would make people laugh and have fun!”

They currently have over have over 20 versions available and they retail for $5.99 each. The back panel of each contains text related to the title. Talk about a million and one uses. One can only imagine where one can go with some of these jackets.Back cover text: Strengthens finger muscles, an alternative food source.

Article in the National Post

Thanks to ArtsJournal for the lead