Act 2: Kansas City Book Pyro Ignites Another Batch

Tom Wayne of Prospero’s Books in Kansas City chose Labor Day weekend for the second installment of his ‘I’m Going to Burn All the Books I Can’t Sell’ publicity gimmick.

KCTV5 news in KC is giving it prime coverage, with the story and video being the website’s most popular, and CNN has picked it up as a home page headline.

The first burning back in May resulted in “thousands of e-mails and phone calls with suggestions what to do with the books. But few people offered to take them.”With all of the public outcry, I thought more people would step up to give these books a home,” Wayne said. He also said many of the solutions would have involved “thousands of dollars and dozens of hours” of their time or the people who wanted them were competitors.

I trust that no matter what solutions where on the table none would garner the publicity that burning the books provides and none would give him the attention that he apparently craves.

Here is a 4+ minute video of the first burning:

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