Librarian Couture

Amsterdam’s new Central Public Library is set to open in less than two months.

The goal of the new Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam is to become a 21st century “island of knowledge”

They are guided by this beautiful principle:

“The right to information is enshrined in law and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is part of the library’s purpose to make these rights a reality. By facilitating the free flow of information the library makes its contribution to a democratic and humane society.”

and are well aware of how things work:

“In the 21st century information is synonymous with power. You will notice that if you lack it, -because it’s the well informed who have all the advantages and wield the power. The library can provide you with both the source and the access.”

They have also decided to have their librarians were uniforms.

Of course there is some resistance to the concept but we’re not talking civil service, drive thru threads we’re talking Aziz

Here is the 2 minute YouTube fashion show.

There must be some plus-size librarians in Amsterdam.

The library has also opened a new branch in Second Life where I don’t think any plus-size avatars exist either.

Thanks to the Dutch libraries blog for the lead