Rent or Exchange: The Next Wave For Books Online

There has been lots of talk of late about the new rental model for audiobooks. The model which is basically the Netflix web-based, subscription format is being embraced by audiobooksonline in the UK and BooksFree in the U.S.

In addition to the audiobooks, Booksfree also is an online book exchange.

The deal:

-80,000 paperbacks in stock
– The number of titles you rent depends on your membership plan and how quickly you return each order.
Plans range from 2 books for $8.49 a month to 12 at a time for $35. Why they call themselves Booksfree is a little baffling.
-Paperback books are shipped 2-3 books per order
-free shipping

Novel Action is also new to the book exchange sector.

-$25 yearly fee
-inventory in the thousands
-Hardbacks and paperbacks available
-$4.80 shipping fee per order for up to 14 books
-Portion of proceeds donated to charity

There are numerous other book exchanges out there though most seem textbook focused.

I guess this model is worthwhile if you live far from a bookstore or a library where you can do this for free!!

Then there is the online rental.

Bookswim plans to launch first quarter 07. They are offering “Netflix-style” rentals with a purchase option. They too claim over 80,000 titles to choose from.

There is also a call for new investors on their home page. I have emailed for “a complete investment package.” Stay tuned.