The book is called The Princes and the Treasure and features two handsome princes who go on a quest to save a princess, but ultimately fall in love with each other. The book is written by Jeffrey A. Miles, a professor at the University of the Pacific, who has been married to his husband for 5 years.
The book may be available in a public library near you and that has got the American Family Association in a tizzy. Yes, the same group that claims “a drag queen was behind the USPS Harvey Milk stamp” has come out against the book.
Bryan Fischer, the director of issue analysis for the nonprofit Christian organization, talked with the Christian Post recently and had these nuggets of close-mindedness to share :
“The stories and the images that children store up in their minds from fairy tales have a very powerful imprinting effect on their tender young souls,”
“And the bottom line is that no responsible library should ever include a book like this on its shelves, and no responsible school should ever use this book as a part of its curriculum.”
“The reality is that no library can stock every book that’s ever been published. So libraries choose all the time not to stock certain books. There’s nothing wrong with parents asking the library not to stock a book of this nature.”
“Christian parents don’t want to be concerned only about their own children, they want to keep this kind of warped literature out of the hands of other children as well,”
“And if parents want this book for their children, there’s nothing to stop them from going to Amazon and buying it with their own money. But taxpayer dollars should not be spent on tripe like this.”
“because of the power fairy tales, this book is a particularly pernicious form of sexually perverse propaganda.”
God bless America!
Story at Christian Post: Public Libraries Stock Gay Fairy Tale Book That Teaches Children Gay Marriage Is OK.