A Colorful Approach to ‘Infinite Jest’

infinite jest project corrie baldauf


For many, David Foster Wallace’s magnum opus Infinite Jest is one tough read.  Coming in at almost 1,000 pages it is referred to as a encyclopedic novel for good reason and can be a bear to get through.

Artist Corrie Baldauf’s approach to reading the book was to track the use of color in the novel as a means to help her stay focused and get through it.

A few months later, with 2600 references to color flagged,  Baldauf finished the novel and the first phase of her Infinite Jest Project.

infinite jest project corrie baldauf b

Next up for Baldauf was to do it one more time but this time she added a digital component by tweeting her way through the project. 

infinite jest project corrie baldauf

Now with Phase Two complete Baldauf is on to her third iteration “with ever-increasing specifications to her process that require greater cost and care — like buying a new firsthand copy of the book and exercising greater stringency of color flags”

Ah, the beauty of obsession.

infinite jest project corrie baldauf a

More at Hyperallergic: Reading David Foster Wallace for the Colors.

Infinite Jest: Buy New | Collectible copies