Amazon Finds Another Way To Deliver the Books : AmazonFresh

Bookmark inserted in AmazonFresh delivery

Remember Webvan, the online grocery delivery service started by that other bookseller Louis Borders, that went down in flames in the dot com crash of 2001. A great idea but a little ahead of its time. Well, not to miss a beat, here in Seattle, Amazon’s backyard, we have AmazonFresh, Amazon’s version of a local grocery delivery service.

It is a fantastic service. With two kids you can’t beat the convenience of running out of something at 8pm and having it at your door by the time you wake up. And it is price competitive, unlike the cut-thought pricing strategy they apply to books, which for some reason makes it feel a bit easier for me to justify. Price does not always have to trump convenience.

As you see from the bookmark above that was included in our latest delivery you can now have books delivered right to your front door with your groceries. There are “thousands of new releases and bestsellers” to choose from.

If you don’t have a Kindle this just might be the fastest way to get a book.

One can also see how, if and when this service expands, this method of delivery can supplant Amazon Prime which is almost certainly a loss leader for them.

Full disclosure:
I sell books on Amazon
Occasionally buy books from Amazon
I have an Amazon credit card
My kids eat food delivered by Amazon
My wife works for a company that is owned by Amazon
I think a lot about Amazon, at times not favorably
I talk and write a lot about Amazon 🙂