A Map of the Land of Books . Alphons Woelfle’s "Bücherland"

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Here is the what the land of books looks like to German illustrator Alphonse Woelfle.

Done in 1939, Woelfle’s book world consists of distinct biblio-territories with names like:

Leserrepublik – Reader’s Republic,
Vereinigte Buchhandelsstaaten – United States of Booksellers,
Recensentia – a realm for Reviewers,
Makulaturia – Waste Paper Land, and
Poesia – Poetry.

Found via the Strange Maps blog where one of the comments provides the following translation of the inset:

1. Büchermarkt – Bookmarket
2. Boulevard der Massenauflagen – boulevard of mass circulation
3. Neues Bücherviertel – quarter of new books
4. Villenviertel der Verleger – exclusive residential area of publishers
5. Vertragshaus mit Irrgarten und Vorschuß – publisherhouse with labyrinth and advance money
6. Bibliothek – library
7. Wall der Lektoren – bank of lectors
8. Brücke der guten Bezierungen – bridge of good relationship
9. Konjunkturbrunnen – fountain of business cycle
10. Autorensteig – authors steep track
11. Restposten – remnants (outlet store)
12. Haus der Dichter – poetics house

No word of what book this map accompanied.
