
Confessions of a Book Hipster

His name is Alex and he is a self-confessed book hipster. His home base is the Australian bookshop chain QBD The Bookshop. He roams the streets fighting the good fight. From zombies to martians, nothing can stand in the way of Alex the Book Hipster. Meet Alex here: [youtube]http://youtu.be/ToQRxIV337w[/youtube] and here is the final chapter our superhero's confessions: [youtube]http://youtu.be/26hKWcVrgP4[/youtube] If that's not cool enough the book hipster also offers a confessional library where one can share their bookish secrets. I do hope he visits the states soon!

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Taliban bans Malala Yousufzai’s memoir in Peshawar, booksellers frightened

A copy of the memoirs of Pakistani child activist Malala Yousufzai is pictured in a bookstore in Islamabad on October 8, 2013. — Photo by AFP  The decree appeared in the local newspapers. “The Taliban will not lose an opportunity to kill Malala Yousufzai and those who were found selling her book will be targeted.” It is censorship at its finest. The booksellers of Peshawar realize the imminent danger and have cancelled orders for the book. For not only are they putting themselves in harms way by carrying the book but also their customers. As one female customer remarked to...

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Transformer: Mick Rock & Lou Reed

Deluxe edition of Transformer The latest worthy production from Genesis Publications features legendary rock and roll photographer Mick Rock and Lou Reed teaming up to share the highlights of their 40 year relationship. From the  iconic cover photo of Reed's album Transformer to candid never before seen outtakes, studio sessions, spontaneous shots and friends including Andy Warhol, Mick Jagger, Iggy Pop and David Bowie. The book presents a visual biography of one musics most influential performers. From the publisher: 40 years ago, Transformer launched Lou Reed from the underground, way up to Mars, with a little help from Starman Bowie. Mick Rock was...

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Cheers to the Aleing Authors!

Here's to Steph Sabo and his cleverly designed visuals for an imaginary  line of craft beers. Produced by Old Inkwell Artisan Brewers these handcrafted brews beer explore the "connection between an author's escalating success and troubled life."   Sabo explains: Aleing Authors is a a unique assortment of craft beers inspired by influential authors of the 19th and 20th centuries. Subtle references to the six authors are incorporated on each bottle. The beer name and ingredients relate to each author as well as their literary works. To flesh out the beer's identity, famous quotes and iconic imagery from their novels...

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Joseph Dawson: Still Life with Realism

Thus Let the Light Shine 11' x 14' oil on board. Here is a sampling of work from Irish-born artist Joseph Dawson. Whether he is using the centuries old  method of painting, still life, or taking a more modern realistic approach Dawson finds room for books to share the stage. And his visual rendering of writers block which appears below is pretty cool too. Memento Gorey. 8' x'10' oil on board. Writer's Block, Oh The Horror! 7.7 x 9.5 oil on linen. Website: Joseph Dawson 

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