
Skeleton roams the library

While libraries wait out the Covid-19 pandemic they remain eerily quiet. So quiet in fact, that at the Lied Library at the University of Nevada Las Vegas there has been a skeleton sighting! When school is in Mandy the Skeleton is on loan for students to prepare for their anatomy and physiology exams. While things are shut down Aaron Mayes, the curator for visual materials at UNLV’s Special Collections and Archives, has let Mandy have a run of the place. More images and story at Las Vegas Review-Journal: Meet the skeleton who is watching over the UNLV library

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Remembering Mary Ellen Mark, the photographer who immortalized Seattle’s street youth

“I’m interested in people who aren’t the lucky ones, who maybe have a tougher time surviving, and telling their story” – Mary Ellen Mark When we think of Seattle and the movies we usually start with the box office hits like You've Got Mail or Singles that were shot in Seattle and prominently feature our fair city but it is the documentary Streetwise, that grew out of a LIFE magazine piece by the noted photographer Mary Ellen Mark, that provides us with one of the most powerful film depictions of the Emerald City. From the preface: In April 1983 reporter...

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There’s a reader on the loose in Prague

Books Calling is series of self-portraits from Prague-based photographer Jakub Pavlovsky. His tagline is "Make Time For Reading. Anywhere, Anytime. No matter how much stress you have, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great book." And to prove his point Pavlovsky has snapped a plethora of smart photos showing himself lost in a book at various locals throughout Prague and beyond.   Book's Calling on Instagram Source: BOOK'S CALLING

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Collections by Mark Vessey

Shakespeare For British photographer Mark Vessey it's all about creating art and order from everyday objects and for his ongoing series Collections, magazines and books take center stage. Says Vessey: My work is about trying to establish a sense of order. There is comfort in collecting things, studying things that people take for granted, grouping every day objects into such a way that they become something special, seeing how they fit together to become a thing of great beauty Keith Haring Vessey is always "searching for that elusive edition of a magazine; that one book that will make his collection complete" and...

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Photoshoot in the Library: Benjamin Von Wong goes to work inside the world’s oldest monastic library

Think Beauty and the Beast and a library beyond your wildest imagination. Then think about how lucky photographer Benjamin Van Wong was to be able to carry out the first creative photoshoot held inside the library at Admont Abbey in Austria. Completed in 1776 Stift Admont is the oldest monastic library in the world, some have dubbed it the “eighth wonder of the world.” It holds 200,000 books and is adorned with priceless frescoes and needless to say made a perfect backdrop.    Model Jen Brook, Clothes by Polish designer Agnieszka Ospia, Hair and makeup Bianca Kristin Woltsche More on the shoot at Benjamin Van Wong's blog, What...

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