Michael Lieberman

Goodnight Book

No, this isn't one of those all too common stories lamenting the end of books. This is a story about a comfortable place for your books to rest.Now you can sleep side by side with your most cherished book. Open to you favorite passage or illustration and the book will rest as soundly as you until you are ready to re-engage.Welcome to the Rare Book Display Pillow courtesy of University Products. Here's what the say about it:The idea for this simple, yet safe and effective method of providing full support for rare books on display came to us from the Department...

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Protest Library

There are a lot of positive aspects to what's been going on in Lower Manhattan courtesy of  the Occupy Wall Street movement but there is one part in particular that brings me plenty of joy. It is the makeshift library that has sprung up to provide protestors with some reading material.Quite a few people have been camping out, some since it all began on September 17, so it is great to see that they have the ability to feed their mind while they participate in the occupation.Titles include, from what I can make out,  Orwell's Animal Farm, a biography of...

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‘The Future’ in the hands of Lapham’s Quarterly

One of the consequences of the unparalleled amount of information now available to us courtesy of the Internet is a sort of data paralysis. With so many options and so much to see and read it is becoming an increasing challenge to simply know where to begin. Of course you can search for something on Google but then what? Aside from the politics of search and placement inherent in a Google search, there is simply too much information out there.  Enter Lapham's Quarterly. Founded in 2008 by long-time editor at Harper's Louis H. Lapham. LQ removes many of the barriers...

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Gorey Letters

“Your letters . . . your existence has made something of this world that [it] hadn’t the possibility of before.” - Peter F. NeumeyerIt was 1968. Edward Gorey was contracted by the publisher Addison-Wesley to illustrate a children's book written by Peter F. Neumeyer. At their first meeting Gorey slipped and  Neumeyer grabbed him by the arm. The grab dislocated Gorey's shoulder and it was during his stay at the hospital waiting for treatment that they began what would become a deep life-long friendship.The book, an illustrated memoir, features 75 typewriter-transcribed letters, 38 illustrated envelopes, and more than 60 postcards...

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The Furry Side of Margaret Wise Brown

In 1947 Margaret Wise Brown published Good Night Moon. The book would redefine the bedtime story and find a place on the bookshelves of millions of infants and kids around the world. By 1990 over 4 million copies had been sold. It has been lauded as one of the better illustrated and designed books of its time.The year before Harper & Brothers published her book Little Fur Family, a tale of a little fur child's day in the woods.There was a little Fur FamilyWarm as toastSmaller than mostIn little fur coatsAnd they lived in a warmWooden tree. Unlike the well...

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