CBS has announced plans for a new series on the publishing world. The show called Open BookCBS Sunday Morning has been consistently featuring book related storiesThere was this great piece on French Bibliomaniacs that we covered on Book Patroland then this one, that we covered as well, on the Happy Tales Bookshop in Wisconsin that was built in a old manure storage tank!
Books to Bytes: "Physical Storage vs. Digital Storage"
click to enlargeMozy is company that provides online backup and storage solutions. In a recent blog post, Physical Storage vs. Digital Storage, they provided an astounding visual depiction of the advance of technology as it relates to the storage of information.Above is section from the graphic relating to books. Using the Library of Congress as a jumping off point, Moxy claims that they can now store the equivalent of 1000 LOC's without breaking a sweat.That is 32 billion books and 650,000 miles of bookshelves. Enough bookshelves to go from Jerusalem to Beijing 147 times! Now, that's a Great Wall.Essentially, the...
The Skating Librarian
Meet MegaBeth a 53-year-old librarian by day and roller derby player by night.Here is Beth Hollis in action in the CNN piece 'Tiny librarian on wheels'Embedded video from CNN VideoPreviously on Book Patrol:Roller Derby Hits the Books
Book Art Meets Book Design : Cara Barer Hits the Covers
In his post at Galleycat, "Cover Trends: The Book as Art Object" Ron Hogan points to two recently published books featuring the book photographs of Cara Barer on the dust jacket.On the same day as Hogan's post the New York Observer ran a piece entitled "The New Thing: Books Without Jackets " which looks at some new releases that are forgoing the dust jacket and using the boards as the canvas. "At a time when there are other forms that people can buy books in, it becomes more important than ever for the physical book to look really attractive," says...
Booktopia: Paju Bookcity aims to ‘Recover the Lost Humanity’
Is it a dream? Is it real? Have we found Heaven on Earth?It's called Bookcity and it's located 30km outside of Seoul, South Korea. It is a city built upon a foundation of books. It's planning and construction guided by "the principles of book making that we use everyday. Book making is similar to architecture in that it takes pains to design and if the design is not satisfactory, one begins again from scratch"It's goal is to concentrate the publishing industry in an "eco-friendly industrial city"Here are a few nuggets from their website:-From the beginning, the Bookcity project was planned...