ANTIQUE(1) This has one specialized and superficially misleading use: for bindings (mostly calf or half calf) which are in fact modern but have been executed in the style of some earlier period. Alternativedescriptions for this tactful approximation to the book’s original dress would be ‘old-style calf ’, or ‘half calf, period style ’. Calf antique is also sometimes used to denote divinity (oroxford) calf. Genuinely antique binding, if not precisely datable, will be described as original, contemporary, early, or simply old.(2) A kind of paper, with a rough, uncalendered finish, either wove or laid.Previous ABC's of Book Collecting postsCarter, John...
Before Grunge : Jini Dellaccio’s Rock & Roll Photographs
click to enlarge"Looking back now, it's clear that Jini Dellaccio is the premier visual interpreter for Northwest rock and roll artists during the '60s and '70s. Jini truly gave Northwest rock and roll its 'mystique'. Here's proof." ~ Barrie R. Jackson from the IntroductionToday marks the 45th anniversary of the Beatles first appearance in Washington State. It was a few years before this historic event that Jini Dellaccio picked up a camera and started photographing the music scene in the Northwest.Before long, Dellaccio was firmly entrenched at the center of the Northwest rock scene. Northwest bands like The Wailers, The...
Alibris Jumps in Bed with Better World Books and Takes Their Booksellers With Them
Imagine the shock many booksellers felt when they heard that unbeknownst to them they were now selling their books through Better World Books (BWB).Yes, the same BWB that has plagued the bookselling world by mastering the art of penny selling; the same for-profit company that parades around in a non-profit guise (see our previous post Better World Books : Are They Better For the Book World).Alibris has recently entered into a partnership with BWB to provide them with the inventory of their booksellers. That inventory now shows up on BWB and is attributed to the various independent booksellers.If that alone...
At Least They Call It Junk
Are there too many books in the world?Start here:End here:click to enlargeThe book section of the Jurby Junk shop on the Isle of Man.Top image viaBottom image via
Kindle in a Book
"Love your Kindle but miss the feel of holding a real book?"BustedTypewriter has the perfect solution. An altered book that holds your Kindle. Mind you, it's not just any book but a copy of “Buying In:The Secret Dialogue Between What We Buy and Who We Are” by Rob Walker. A perfect fit. For the more sensitive among us; also available is a copy of “Compassion and Self-Hate” by Theodore Isaac Rubin M.D.These Kindleized books, along with other altered books to carry your various technologies, are available here. Kindle not included.Thanks to Design Observer for the lead.