"Scan your bookshelves. Consider the spines. Connect one to a specific memory. It's easy."This is how, noted designer and creative director of Marquand Books, Ed Marquand kicks off his short essay On Spines and Memories, the first volume in a new series by Marquand Editions.On how important a spine's design is to the whole of the book Marquand says "The spine becomes the most familiar part of a book after it is slid into a bookcase, but it is often designed in haste"The series will feature essays from writers, publishers, curators and the like and will focus on the various...
Kindle Sighting
The picture above shows a book reader existing peacefully with a Kindle reader while they ride the bus.With all the hype surrounding the Kindle I have yet to see one in public and this is one of the first images I've seen of one out in the world. And to boot it was taken on mass transit. Is mass acceptance far behind?Image via Narisa Spaulding (@narisas) of SeattleThanks to @emersonsalon for the lead
ABC’s of Book Collecting : Americana
AMERICANABooks, etc., about, connected with or printed in America, often, but not exclusively, the United States of North America; or relating to individual Americans: as distinct (properly, though nowadays not invariably) from books by American writers. The Columbus Letter is a piece ofAmericana, as describing the discovery of the continent; the Bay Psalm Book, as the first known book printed in what is now U.S.A.; and Thomas Paine ’s Common Sense, as one of the influential documents of the War of Independence. Poe ’s The Raven, on the other hand, is not Americana, nor is Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms....
ABC’s of Book Collecting : American Book Prices Current
AMERICAN BOOK PRICES CURRENTPublished annually since 1895: first edited by Luther S. Livingston, for many years afterwards by Edward Lazare and now by Katharine Kyes and Daniel J. Leab. Now divided into two sections: (1) printed books, maps, charts and broadsides, (2) autograph letters and manuscripts. Each volume (published in January every year – ABPC is the most punctual, as well as accurate, of such records) contains an entry for every lot in all recorded sales. Nothing is included which sold for less than $50.00.Since 1958 ABPC, as it is commonly called, has included (without feeling the need, as yet,...
Folger Shakespeare Exihibt