Michael Lieberman

Altered Bookmark

click to enlargeAltered books are one thing but altered bookmarks open up a whole new can of worms.Back in November of 2007 the Book Design class from Cornish College of the Arts paid a visit to Wessel & Lieberman. One of the students, Mare Odomo, grabbed a bookmark and went to work. I am not sure where the glove part comes from but; nonetheless, what a treat to see.See more of Mare Odomo's work at Flickrand here's an Altered Bookmark project for the kids via suite101.com

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A Preview of the ABAA’s New Website

Here is a sneak peek at the new and improved website of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA). The much needed and long overdue overhaul is being lead by Bibliopolis with an assist from the team at Biblio. It is set to launch in June.When completed it will finally provide the ABAA with a solid foundation on which to build their online presence and will provide them the chance to compete with the other online marketplaces. I just hope it's not too late, for they have a lot of catching up to do and with the online landscape still...

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DIY : Letterpress

The folks at Boing Boing Gadgets turn their attention to the letterpress and offer instructions on how to build your own letterpress and screw press.In case you haven't noticed while the "death of the book" scream permeates our landscape there has been a flat-out resurgence in letterpress printing; both on the gift shop and fine printing level.The future looks bright for this segment of the book world.Now get printing!

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Book Patrol’s Tweets of the Week

For those not on the Twitter train here's a large sampling of Book Patrol's tweets for the past week.If you are on Twitter and you want to receive these as they are posted you can follow me here.These Tweets appear on the sidebar of Book Patrol which, unfortunately, you do not get to see if you follow in a reader."Anatomy of a Great Book Cover". The evolution of the cover design for Dave Cullen's upcoming book Columbine - @ SLOG http://ow.ly/1DTd Library of America turns 30. Aim- "capture the whole range of books that have made important contributions to our...

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