Banned / Censored / Destroyed

Here’s one “out of the closet” book that doesn’t seem to bother the Religious Right

Seems not a week goes by without someone, somewhere on this beautiful planet, objecting to a book due to its gay or non-traditional marriage content. Some have even gotten in a huff over a book about gay penguins.  Well, here's one for the ages - a book focused on "open carrying and bringing gun ownership out of the closet and into the mainstream." My Parents: Open Carry invites us to: Come join 13-year-old Brenna Strong along with her mom, Bea, and her dad, Richard, as they spend a typical Saturday running errands and having fun together. What's not so typical is that Brenna's...

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Gay Fairy Tale Book in Public Libraries Irks the American Family Association

 The book is called The Princes and the Treasure and features two handsome princes who go on a quest to save a princess, but ultimately fall in love with each other. The book is written by Jeffrey A. Miles, a professor at the University of the Pacific, who  has been married to his husband for 5 years.  The book may be available in a public library near you and that has got  the American Family Association in a tizzy. Yes, the same group that claims "a drag queen was behind the USPS Harvey Milk stamp" has come out against the book. Bryan Fischer,...

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Burning the grass where the Nazi’s burned the books

“Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people” -  Heinrich Heine It's time for our annual look at one of the greatest examples of biblioclasm in history, the Nazi book burnings. On May 10, 1933 over 30 burnings took place across Germany and upwards of 25,000 "un-German" books were torched. "You are doing the right thing at this midnight hour—to consign to the flames the unclean spirit of the past. This is a great, powerful, and symbolic act. . . . Out of these ashes the phoenix of a new age will arise. . . . Oh Century! Oh Science!...

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Taliban bans Malala Yousufzai’s memoir in Peshawar, booksellers frightened

A copy of the memoirs of Pakistani child activist Malala Yousufzai is pictured in a bookstore in Islamabad on October 8, 2013. — Photo by AFP  The decree appeared in the local newspapers. “The Taliban will not lose an opportunity to kill Malala Yousufzai and those who were found selling her book will be targeted.” It is censorship at its finest. The booksellers of Peshawar realize the imminent danger and have cancelled orders for the book. For not only are they putting themselves in harms way by carrying the book but also their customers. As one female customer remarked to...

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Banned, Burned, Censored and Challenged: A Visual Celebration for Banned Books Week

Happy Banned Books Week! It's time to pay tribute to all the books that enriched our lives yet where the target of various forces that tried to keep them from the shelves. The freedom to read what one wishes is a fundamental right that cannot be compromised. Here's to all the parents, librarians and teachers who stand up on a regular basis to protect this essential freedom. - Thanks! Lawrence Ferlinghetti outside City Lights Book Store by Charlie Corrigan.   Previously on Book Patrol: Banned Book Trading Cards Challenged. Censored. Banned. Sued. Burned: 30 Books and Why They Were Banned Ban...

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