Thus Let the Light Shine 11' x 14' oil on board. Here is a sampling of work from Irish-born artist Joseph Dawson. Whether he is using the centuries old method of painting, still life, or taking a more modern realistic approach Dawson finds room for books to share the stage. And his visual rendering of writers block which appears below is pretty cool too. Memento Gorey. 8' x'10' oil on board. Writer's Block, Oh The Horror! 7.7 x 9.5 oil on linen. Website: Joseph Dawson
A trip with Vladimir Kush
Pillow BookRussian artist Vladimir Kush is a one man surrealism factory. With four of his own galleries in the U.S. and more coming around the globe you know he paints a lot. Fortunately for us, the book is well represented in his portfolio.Here is what Kush has to say on the subject:BOOK is a metaphor for the history of human life. We use the analogy of the book when talking about a significant event in our lives, "one more page is written." For instance, when we mention man’s first flight into the cosmos or to the moon, we say, "one...