
chromapoems: Text Visualized

The latest technology to touch the textual world is Chromapoems. Utilizing the software program, Processing, which "promotes software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology," Lola Migas translates the text from some well known works into radial graphs. Each word is represented as a block within each ring. A group of blocks in a similar hue all belong in the same sentence. The more frequently an uncommon letter is used, the more saturated a block becomes, which in turn affects the hue of the sentence. A new ring signifies a line break. [vimeo width="640" height="300"][/vimeo]   I can't wait for the...

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Which Banned Book Are You?

In  June 2014, the Columbus State Library was one of seven organizations awarded a national grant sponsored by the Freedom to Read Foundation and the Judith F. Krug Memorial fund to help celebrate Banned Books Week. Among the many cool things they have created and developed for the week is this nifty quiz. Now let's play! [playbuzz-item url=""]

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