Counterpoint Comes Home

Publishers Weekly reports that the Counterpoint imprint has been purchased by a small group the includes its founder Jack Shoemaker. The imprint had been owned by Perseus who has been busy trying to incorporate their newest bankrupt prize Publishers Group West into their mix. It will now live with Winton, Shoemaker & Co. a newly formed group that includes two of Shoemaker’s cornerstone authors Gary Snyder and Wendell Berry.

Originally called North Point Press then Counterpoint and finally Shoemaker and Hoard the press has always published with a social conscience and with integrity. Two attributes that tend to get compromised when publishing under a larger umbrella.
In addition to the high literary standards they are also known for (and should be commended for) their high production values. They make beautiful books.

The very nature of this publisher warrants a small independent team.

Before we get too excited about this enormously positive move remember the Perseus still holds a minority interest in the newly formed company and will be the distributor.

At least it’s a move in the right direction.


Press release
announcing the purchase

New York Magazine article on Frank Pearl, the man behind Perseus, which includes his courting of Shoemaker. Pearl’s background: law and leveraged buyouts. You can get a sense from this article that this relationship wasn’t going to last.

Ron Hogan’s 5 Questions With..Shoemaker from 2004 when the Shomaker and Hoard imprint launced