Illuminated Book

The call it The Enlightenment. It was created by Studiomeiboom out of the Netherlands

White Plexiglas.
24 cm high x 17 cm wide x 8 cm deep
Comes with a 9 watt energy-saving bulb.

Price:€89.00 with 10% going to charity.

Their pitch:

Light Up Your World – There are a lot of books about the Enlightenment, but none of them actually provide light. Studiomeiboom has combined this idea into a lamp which is in the form of a book. Not a heavy book, a light book. Not a book of absolute truths. It is, however, a book which sets you thinking but which does not tell you what to do. A book which will not only help you in dark days but other people as well. By purchasing ‘The Enlightenment’ you will be supporting educational projects by a charitable organization which will mean a brighter future for many.

Thanks to Pan-Dan for the lead