Library Graffiti

In the summer of 2007 Quinn Dombrowski started documenting the graffiti she encountered on her visits to the Regenstein Library at the University of Chicago. She began posting the images on Flickr and by 2009  she had amassed a collection of over 700 pieces of graffiti.
In the summer of 2009 the project got helped along by a story on Jacket Copy, the book blog of the Los Angeles Times, and by the time time the year was out Quinn published Crescat Graffiti, Vita Excolatur: Confessions of the University of Chicago, a book containing many of the highlights of the collection.
The Flickr set is broken into sections to help you quickly find the graffiti that best suits your mood. From Advice to Sex, Drugs to Despair, Politics to Logic; all the bases are covered.

This begs for some sort of national competition.