Looking Good: Best Designed Books Covers of 2012

50 covers girl  land

The folks at Design Observer have announced the winners of their annual 50 Books/50 Covers contest and as is par for the course they have chosen some amazing book and cover designs. As writers, we know just how important the graphical design of a book cover can be – it can influence buying decisions and improve response to the book. It’s always been our priority to recommend Graphic Design Companies to authors – to ensure book launches are successful.

With that said, here’s a healthy sampling of some my favorites from the book cover selections:

50 covers art without artistsArt without Artists Authors: John Foster, Roger Manley; Editor: Chris Vitiello Gregg Museum of Art & Design, North Carolina State University. DESIGNER: Mary Kunnath

50 covers girlchildGirlchild by Tupelo Hassman. DESIGNER: Jennifer Carrow

50 covers teleportation accidentThe Teleportation Accident. Ned Beauman, Sceptre. DESIGNER: Scot Bendall, Richard Carey, Jon Lyen

50 covers hecho in minnesotaHecho In Minnesota – Posters Designed By UNO Branding Luis Fitch (Author, Editor, Illustrator) Carolina Ornelas (Author). DESIGNER: Luis Fitch and Timothée Redkitten

50 covers The InvestigationThe Investigation by Philippe Claudel. Nan A. Talese/Doubleday. DESIGNER: Emily Mahon

50 covers how music worksHow Music Works by David Byrne. DESIGNER: McSweeney’s


50 covers shoplifting from american apparel

Shoplifting from American Apparel by Tao Lin, Melville House. DESIGNER: Christopher King

Lead image Girl Land by Caitlan Flanagan. DESIGNER: Lindsey Andrews

You can view all the winners here and if you’d like you can check out the winning book designs here.

Is there a favorite cover design of yours that they missed?

This post originally appeared on Book Riot.



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