Pride and Predjudice: An infant primer

 It took 200 years to get it to 12 words.Welcome to Cozy Classics a new series from Simply Read Books that they hope "will invigorate the genre of the infant primer".The concept:Transform the classics into word primers. Every book contains 12 child-friendly words, each accompanied by a needle-felted illustration. Each word is carefully selected to relate to a child’s world and works even without any reference to the original. "If you, as a parent, can fill in some of the original tale as part of the reading experience, so much the better!...The Cozy Classics website also offers parents story synopses, quotes, and other...

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Stop the presses: A new printed dictionary has arrived

The Klallam dictionary is the first-ever dictionary of the language, which previously was only spoken!It weighs in at about six-pounds, contains more than 1,000 pages and took almost thirty years to complete.The language is native to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State were about 5,000 Klallam live on three reservations.When University of North Texas linguist professor Timothy Montler started the project in 1978 about 100 people spoke Klallam as their first language, today there are two left."The language is a jawbreaker for English speakers, with some words containing back-to-back consonants that are true pronunciation gymnastics"and now it is available in...

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A Bookless Future: "What Other People Think is Wrong"

Short video created by Eden Ames for the Youth Free Expression Project Film Contest held by the National Coalition Against Censorship. The theme of this year's contest: You're Reading What?!?" A young boy, in his curiosity of a book his mother blatantly disapproves of, discovers the costly blinding effects of close-mindedness and makes up his mind to reject such a disposition resolving to understand varying perspectives through broad reading."Watch all 12 semifinalists  here and don't forget to vote for your favorite.

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