Before Grunge : Jini Dellaccio’s Rock & Roll Photographs

click to enlarge"Looking back now, it's clear that Jini Dellaccio is the premier visual interpreter for Northwest rock and roll artists during the '60s and '70s. Jini truly gave Northwest rock and roll its 'mystique'. Here's proof." ~ Barrie R. Jackson from the IntroductionToday marks the 45th anniversary of the Beatles first appearance in Washington State. It was a few years before this historic event that Jini Dellaccio picked up a camera and started photographing the music scene in the Northwest.Before long, Dellaccio was firmly entrenched at the center of the Northwest rock scene. Northwest bands like The Wailers, The...

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Subversive Book Asserts Rule By Law, Not King

In 1644, Samuel Rutherford, a Presbyterian theologian, published Lex, Rex, the now excessively scarce, enormously important treatise on limited government and constitutionalism. Only four copies have fallen under the hammer within the last thirty-five years.Lex, Rex is the first treatment of rule by law, not by men, based upon the separation of powers and covenant between king and subjects, (foreshadowing the social contract). It laid the foundation for the later thinking of political philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. As such, this volume sowed the seeds for modern political systems, including that of the United States."The title, Lex, Rex, is...

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Miss Lonelybooks, Revisted

As one who has braved JDate, aka, I know why the caged bird swings in hope. The New York Review of Books and the London Review of Books provide opportunities for the bookish and alone to meet. But Americans and the British have completely different styles when it comes to personal ads. We Americans commodify and market ourselves with can-do! go-get ‘em! spirit that weighs heavily. We’re singing the lyrics from Best Foot Forward to the tune of Sinatra’s One For My Baby, One More For the Road, a torch song beneath the bright, snappy prose composed to wring...

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Alibris Jumps in Bed with Better World Books and Takes Their Booksellers With Them

Imagine the shock many booksellers felt when they heard that unbeknownst to them they were now selling their books through Better World Books (BWB).Yes, the same BWB that has plagued the bookselling world by mastering the art of penny selling; the same for-profit company that parades around in a non-profit guise (see our previous post Better World Books : Are They Better For the Book World).Alibris has recently entered into a partnership with BWB to provide them with the inventory of their booksellers. That inventory now shows up on BWB and is attributed to the various independent booksellers.If that alone...

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Drive a Book Into Another World

The following poem was recently posted to Slate with a podcast reading by the author.To Read by Michael McFeeHe held the opened bookin both hands, at arm's length,as if he were a student driverpracticing steering this Model ABCthat resisted his touch,that he could tell he wouldn't knowhow to control once it started,not yet able to ease his gripor surrender his frownand learn to let the sentences unwind,letting their momentumcarry him down the waiting road,Stopping and starting his wayinto a world of words.__________Poet Michael McFee directs the Creative Writing Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. The author of ten books of poetry and...

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