What Tomorrow May Bring : At the Bookstore and In the Classroom

Here is Moriah Jovan's idea for The Perfect Bookstore. The Espresso elements have nothing to do with coffee but relate to the new print on demand machine that is quietly sweeping the nation. While I agee with Jovan that the current publishing/bookseller model is in tatters and in need of serious revision and that we are in dire need of a "new breed of independent bookseller" I'm quite sure this new model, by itself, has nothing to do with books.I would call this destination a Print on Demand/Digitial Download Station before I would call it a Bookstore.But as Jovan points...

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Bio of Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper in the Works

On a recent reconnaissance mission for Book Patrol I met Brian Kehew, co-author of Recording the Beatles: The Studio Equipment and Techniques Used to Create Their Classic Albums, a massive eleven pounds of Beatlemania that takes us behind the scenes of the making of the Fab Four’s records. At the end of our interview, he dropped a joy bomb in my lap.Years of research and extensive interviews with the group’s former engineers and technicians shed new light on those classic sessions that provided the music that influenced and defined a generation and continues to impact pop music today.Kehew co-produced Fiona...

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Book Cloud Passes Over the Baltimore Sun

It seemed innocent enough. The Baltimore Sun runs a story, Money Wasters To Avoid, offering readers various ways to save some money during these challenging times. The piece included the usual money-saving tips like eat out less, wash your own car, rent DVD's instead of buying them, and a few more abstract ones like don't speed because tickets are expensive, you burn more gas and if you're caught your insurance premiums will go up.All sounds good. But then they included the almighty book."Some books are nice to have - like your favorite one, for example. But really, buying the newest...

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Eye-Opening Secrets From the World of Librarians

Sometimes the posts just write themselves. Here, for instance, I’ll let Kathleen Low, authoress of Casanova Was A Librarian (2007), tell the story in her own words, from her website; I can’t top this hot copy.Please provide your own wisecracks in the appropriate spots within the text; I’ve bitten my tongue so often I might as well just swallow it along with some sauerkraut and a Dr. Brown’s Cel-Rey soda.“They’ve been killed by angry mobs, knighted, and even canonized. Some have gained fame or infamy as politicians, inventors, revolutionaries, notorious lovers and even saints. In ancient Rome they were literally...

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Has The British Library Become a Brothel?

”All libraries are, of course, petri dishes of simmering lust, but the BL is extreme: its walls contain more erotic pressure than an oil rig, a North Sea fishing trawler and several series of Mad Men combined.”“The whole building sighs with hothouse groans, which swell and fade to muffle other sounds.”“When everyone is sitting around in silence, you can project what you like on to them and everyone remains a sexual possibility.”This is surely not the Queen’s library! Yet…“In 2006 a gay website exposed the British Library as a cottaging ground and the regular BL readers who I’ve discussed it...

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