ABC’s of Book Collecting : Antiquarian Bookseller

ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERThe lines of demarcation between ‘rare books’, ‘old books’ and ‘second-hand books’ have never been, and can never be, clearly defined. The same applies to most of those who deal in them; and the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association makes no distinction between a man who specialises in incunabula, another who deals only in modern firsts, a third who restricts himself to botany, and finally a general second-hand dealer, provided that his business is primarily in old books. The most comprehensive directories are those published by the Sheppard Press, London: Dealers in Secondhand and Antiquarian Books in the British Isles, now...

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Picturing the Bookshop

Strand Shadows by Josh RobinsonThe results are in for the 'Eye on the Strand' photography contest. The contest sponsored by The Strand, Aperture Foundation and the Pratt Institute asked "amateur and professional photographers from all over the submit their photo representations of the Strand Book Store."Over 500 images were received.Above is the winning photo by Josh Robinson. Below is the Viewers' Choice winner by Manjari SharmaStrand, The Dreamer's Land by Manjari SharmaHats off to the folks at the Strand for pulling this off. It is a fantastic concept and one that deserves to be pursued and duplicated in cities...

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Hello, Reference Desk?

From the Norwood, MA Daily News, this exchange between Beth Goldman, Reference Desk librarian at the Morrill Memorial Library and library IT specialist and a call-in patron:Librarian: Good morning. Reference. How may I help you?Caller: Hi. Is this Reference?Librarian: Yes, sir. You have reached the Reference Desk. How may I help you?Caller: Gee, I hope you can help me.Librarian: I will certainly try. Tell me what you are looking for.Caller: Well, I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but my wife told me to call.Librarian: Great! What did your wife want?Caller: She said you’d know what that new book is...

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Sex! Scandal! Political Intrigue! (What Else Is New?)

Those who, like your ace reporter, avidly track the national SPRM (Sex&Politics-Related Meltdown) count will have noticed the recent spike in SPRM motility; the press has been absolutely pregnant with recent news from this fertile field of government.Nothing new here to report except that this is nothing new - really nothing new. Presenting:The Secret History of the Present Intrigues of the Court of Caramania, a roman à clef from 1727 that tore the royal bedsheets off the reigning monarch's bedstead, exposed his intimate dalliances, and laid bare political hostilities.I will not torture you with guessing games. "The central character and...

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Rockin’ the Library

Stewart Parsons is the music librarian at the Lancaster library in the UK. After 20 years of doing the usual library gig he wanted "to push boundaries" a bit and created "Get it Loud in Libraries."Founded in 2005 'Get It Loud In Libraries' is "a unique award winning project" - it received the 2007 Love Libraries Award- and is "designed to give people, especially young people who love music, a damn good time in a library"Last week actress Juliette Lewis played with her new band "The New Romantiques"Here is a video of the 'Get It Loud In Libraries' project fittingly...

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