Book Patrol’s Tweets of the Week

For those not on the Twitter train here's a large sampling of Book Patrol's tweets for the past week.If you are on Twitter and you want to receive these as they are posted you can follow me here.These Tweets appear on the sidebar of Book Patrol which, unfortunately, you do not get to see if you follow in a reader."Anatomy of a Great Book Cover". The evolution of the cover design for Dave Cullen's upcoming book Columbine - @ SLOG Library of America turns 30. Aim- "capture the whole range of books that have made important contributions to our...

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Red Alert: Book "Thieve" of the Day

This email recently arrived from the Seattle Stolen Book Network:*********************Subject: ThieveHey everyone,Just busted this guy shoving books down the back of his pants. I don't have apicture but he has long brown hair, skinny white guy. early 30's. He has some skin condition so he has red spots. He looks at metaphysical and alt. health. 86 on sight-Thanks*******************I don't know where to start with this one.For you booksellers out there, past and present, what's your have favorite book "thieve" story?

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Library at the L House

The L House comes to us via the Swiss-based architect, Philippe Stuebi Architekten GMBH and was completed in 2005."The three-sided glazing of the library in the ground floor is mirrored-glass. Depending upon time of day and conditions you can see the stored books or the reflected garden. The upper floors are implemented in bright lime rendering and the glazings in nature-anodized aluminum."More photographs herevia

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The Tipping Point at the Public Library

Image via Pink Slips are the New BlackSo much for the trickle down effect as a sane economic and social policy.As the woes of Wall Street make their way to Library Street the trickle down effect is quickly becoming the trickle death effect.If your library is not in danger of it's hours or staff being cut due to the strained budgets of cities, counties and towns across the world then it is probably in danger of being overused and overstressed by the hordes of visitors reeling from the economic troubles of our time.Either way is unsustainable and without quick action...

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