Hitler’s Golden Bookmark Found

An 18-carat gold bookmark belonging to Adolf Hitler has been recovered in Bellevue, Washington.The bookmark was stolen from a Spanish auction house in 2002 and hadn't been seen since.The bookmark was given to Hitler in 1943 by his long-time lover Eva Braun. It was purportedly given to him as a consolation for his army's defeat in the battle of Stalingrad.The bookmark is inscribed in part "My Adolf, don't worry…(the defeat)… was only an inconvenience that will not break your certainty of victory."37-year-old Christian Popescu was arrested outside a Starbucks with the bookmark by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers. He...

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BibliObama : The Coming of a Literate President

Last week president-elect Barack Obama called Argentine President Cristina Fernandez. It is commonplace for a president-elect to check in with world leaders before they take office but here's the kicker:According to the Latin America News Agency, Prensa Latina, Cristina Fernandez "told reporters accompanying her that Obama expressed his desire to visit Argentina, which he called a great country, and recalled his life as university student when he was acquainted with the work of Julio Cortazar and Jorge Luis Borges."Obama has already been seen carrying books about current events, Fareed Zakaria's Post American World; poetry, Derek Walcott's Collected Poems; and history,...

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Rock Dreams : Guy Peelaert 1934-2008

"Rock will always represent the extravagant, the flash, the fantasy. That's what it's all about. These pictures are a memento to that dream." Guy Peellaert in an interview in Penthouse Magazine April 1974Belgian artist and illustrator Guy Peellaert died last week. His seminal 1973 book Rock Dreams provided us a visual feast of rock and roll's biggest stars.David Hepworth remembers Peellaert in his piece, Guy Peellaert the man who invented rock and roll, at Word Magazine.Peellaert illustrated a few album covers as well including David Bowie's 1974 album Diamond Dogs which reached number 1 on the UK charts. This cover...

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