IndieBound or Bust

That's the title of Jim Milliot's piece for Publisher's Weekly on the unveiling of the American Booksellers Association (ABA) new marketing “movement/revolution” initiative, IndieBound.The good news is that it replaces Book Sense which has failed miserably in helping independents remain competitive in the fast changing world of bookselling. The bad news is that IndieBound won't fare much better.What is IndieBound? Here is their Declaration:When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for individuals to denounce the corporate bands which threaten to homogenize our cities and our souls, we must celebrate the powers that make us unique and declare...

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I have a confession to make…

I bought a Kindle.It arrived today.I feel a bit like a pastor caught with a Playboy under his arm.I've been considering (albeit rather idly) a purchase for some time. After all, the reviews and press have been largely positive. Yes, I love gadgets and technology (I'm not quite sure how I checked email before my iPhone). And I really like the idea of being able to carry around enough titles to satisfy most any reading mood that strikes me, as well as the ability to get a book immediatelyfor those times I don't. And I'm as curious as anyone to...

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Violence Against Books : Is There an Acceptable Form?

"Violence against books is understood by all parties involved as being comparable to violence against people and/or ideas and that violence against a book can quickly lead to other forms of conflict." Cordell Waldron, Iconic Books blog.But what if the violence is not motivated by politics or religion but by commerce?Earlier this month word got out that a U.S. soldier used a Quran for target practice.Here's the video of the AP story and the apology by Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Hammond, commander of U.S. forces in Baghdad. To think that this was an isolated incident would be a bit of a...

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New Faulks’ Bond Limited Edition

GalleyCat has the story on this beautiful limited edition of the latest Bond novel ('Bentley Binds Bond Book'):Evoking the feeling of the Cold War period in which DEVIL MAY CARE is set, the edition is bound in Bodoniana style cases and finished in burnt oak leather sourced from the tannery in Italy which provides the hides for Bentley's interiors. The iconic Bentley diamond pattern found on the radiator grille and upholstery of modern Bentleys, is hand-stitched on the leather casing and the front cover and spine is finished with the silver Bentley 'Flying B' - the radiator cap of the...

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Library a-Go-Go Gets Going

The first public library book dispensing machine in the United States has arrived. Beginning today commuters with a Contra Costa County library card will be able to check out items from a book lending machine at the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Pittsburg/Bay Point station. The machines are built by the Swedish company Distec and cost about $100,000 each. How it works:"A touch screen, similar to an ATM screen, is used to select from up to approximately 500 items that are delivered through an opening in the front of the unit. Materials are returned in a similar way. A robotic...

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