
Here is a little Friday fun compliments of Lynn Wienck of The Chisholm Trail Bookstore*****************************************************************************If newspapers are for breakfast, books for lunch, and cereal boxes for snacks, then this new do-it-yourself-innovation is a tasteful edition to kitchen appliances: fulfilling, appetizing, and digestible in multiple meals.SaveScriveCookieMaker, similar in size and shape to the infamous SaveScriveWaffleIron, comes with removable aluminum trays for easy cleaning. It bakes a single cookie while simultaneously blind stamping six lines of text. Nontoxic, moveable type, SaveScriveAlphabet, sold separately, is available for creations of original, awkward, and unappreciated works. The bite-sized, but inedible letters, slide into a recessed...

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The Rory Macbeth Version of the Bible

"Bible", 2007, printed document, edition of 300, 21 x 30 x 0.5cmWelcome to Rory Macbeth's new word order. Macbeth has developed software that reorganized the complete text of the bible into alphabetical order and then printed it in an edition of 300.Did you know that there are 313 exclamation marks, 56 uses of the word'slaughters' and 86 instances of the word 'ass'?Also of note is Macbeth's 2006 rendering of the text of Sit Thomas Moore's Utopia on the outside of a building in Norwich, UK.

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Blood on Paper : Books in the Hand of Artists

"At a time when the notion of the book is challenged by the advent of the screen and computer, this exhibition aims to show the extraordinary ways in which the book has been treated by leading artists of today and the recent past. Blood on Paper will focus on new and contemporary work, and on books where the artist has been the driving force in conception and design." --from the Introduction to the exhibit.Most notable artists of the 20th and 21st century have used the book form as a vehicle. No matter what their primary artistic leaning (painting, sculpture, drawing,...

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I offer a modestly qualified reader's opinion regarding where, why, and how authors fail in writing books. The published volumes that I have used as examples are readily available in the open market, although I have excluded specific information.1. Author revenge. The author trashed noted personages, engaged in petty gossip, and exalted his own importance.2. Target practice. The author generated an intriguing topic and title, but managed to veer off-course by elevating minor details.3. Unintelligible construction. Sentences, paragraphs, and chapters were complete, organized, and elegant. Nothing made sense individually or in the conglomerate.4. Laundry list. This author described inventions, but...

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