Unlimited Vision: Author Life

From flawed authors of unlimited vision come flawless literary works.There is a popular and persistent myth, where an author is imagined toscript works of wisdom effortlessly and seamlessly at an oak desk inflowing, cursive elegant hand. Adoring and admiring audiences then acceptthese masterpieces with effusive praise and glowing literary commentary.The writing life, according to lore, is one of indolence, charm, andaffluence.Contrary to the myth, it takes unlimited vision and skill to write a thinslice of life in scenes vivid enough to touch and hold interest. Forthose authors, the voice is distinct and the phrases genuine. Universaltruths ring from the paragraphs...

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Book Contempt

This is the first of a series of guest posts on Book Patrol by Lynn Wienck of The Chisholm Trail Bookstore in Duncan, Oklahoma. ****************Book Contempt"Is the traditional book, with the bound, printed pages and covers, held in contempt?" I asked myself that very question based on recent and expanding book evolution in three regions: use, license, and library access.I like books for themselves finding sufficient beauty in printed words, illustrations, and bindings. Atmosphere, mystery, and excitement are found among the simple black-and-white lines of text. Why then are books utilized to generate art, furniture, lamps, and clocks? The art...

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On the Road with Walter Benjamin

"How many cities have revealed themselves to me in the marches I undertook in the pursuit of books" - Walter Benjamin "Unpacking My Library. A Talk About Book Collecting"Blogging has been and will continue to be a bit light for the next week or so as I will be heading to San Francisco for a bookfair. Days to get ready, days to get there, days at the bookfair and days to get home.All days in the lucky life of a bookseller!

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Mary Oliver: The Poet as Rock Star

The last time 71 year old Pulitzer Prize winning poet Mary Oliver visited Seattle was 2005. She made quite a splash by selling out the 900 seat Town Hall in a relatively short amount of time. The University of Washington Bookstore sold 600 copies of her books at that event making it the second most profitable reading of the year for them.This past Monday night Oliver returned to Seattle and the community response was one for the literary record books.What happened:-it was the fastest sellout in the 20 year history of the venerable Seattle Arts & Lectures series-the demand was...

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Which Book Would You Bring to the White House?

Katie Couric has a series underway at CBS called "Primary Questions: Character, Leadership, and the Candidates" where she asks the presidential candidates questions "designed to go beyond politics and show what really makes them tick."Her current question:If you were elected president, what is the one book other than the bible you would think is essential to have along?The question was asked prior to the recent thinning of the field so Giuliani and Edwards are included.Here are their books of choice:McCain: "Wealth of Nations" by Adam SmithObama: Doris Kearns Goodwin's biography of Lincoln "Team of Rivals."Romney: "John Adams" by David McCullough.Huckabee:...

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