Short stories for the masses! French city introduces short story vending machine

short story dispenser

The French city of Grenoble has recently unleashed eight short story dispensers across the city to help people with a little time on their hands stay away from their smartphone and have a little print experience.

The dispensers are the brainchild of the the publisher Short Édition and the mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle and offer what Short Édition co-founder Christophe Sibieude says is “good quality popular literature to occupy these little unproductive moments.”

The length of the story can be catered to the amount of time you got to kill, from 1-5 minutes, and best of all it’s all free!

Short Edition


French City Introduces ‘Short Story Dispensers’ In Public Areas | Konbini

French city installing free short story dispensers | CBC books

(Top photo: AFP)