Street Signs

Marji King and Bruce Daniels have amassed a collection of over 100 handmade cardboard signs that they have used to panhandle on the streets of Seattle. For the last two weeks they have been setting up the display at various downtown locations.

“People tend to walk by and ignore one sign,” Bruce says, “but can they ignore more than 100?”

Here are some highlights:

Fear change? Leave it here.

Lost my rose-tinted glasses; Need money for new ones.

If money is the root of all evil let me carry the burden.

“Aliens kidnapped my parents. $ for space fuel.”

Donations for the Church of Malt Liquor.

Begging Sucks Compassion Doesn’t

Robert L. Jamieson Jr.’s piece in the Seattle Post Intelligencer, Signs of times add up for homeless on the street.