Alert - There were no trees used in the making of this bookRepeat - There were no trees used in the making of this book.Canopy is a Canadian non-profit environmental group with a vital mission: protecting the world’s forests, species and climate.As they remind us:Much of the forests logged in North America wind up in paper, so in 1999 we started out with a focus on the world’s biggest paper buyers. Today we work with hundreds of the forest industry’s consumers to help shape their purchasing policies for a variety of forest products, and provide them with the knowledge they need...
DIY: The People’s E-Book
"What the photocopier was to zines, we hope The People’s E-book will be to digital books" The People's E-book is a free, beautifully-simple tool to assist in the creation of e-books.It is the brainchild of Greg Albers, the founder and publisher of Hol Art Books, who has partnered with The Present Group (Oakland, CA), an arts-based think tank and creative studio whose projects focus on leveraging new technologies in support of the arts and finding new ways to fund and distribute artists projects. A Kickstarter campaign is underway to fund the project.From the pitch:The People's E-book brings e-books into the rich...
The Book as the Starting Point
Why not just turn publishing on its head and try to change the world right off the bat?Welcome to Sharp Stuff a new publisher born from the confines of one of the great ad agencies on the planet, Wieden+Kennedy. Their mission: to explore "the boundaries of story building" by being a "rapid release content shop that hacks current formats to create new forms.""The book as the starting point, not the end game" is our approach says Jake Dockter, Director of Communications and Content.Their first project wastes no time in pushing the boundaries. Created in three months, American Dreamers "mixes the fluidity and dynamism...
How an idea becomes a book: an amusing infographic
There must be a lot of editors living in the country raising goats.
APRIL has arrived. A festival of small press and independent publishing takes root in Seattle
"Authors, Publishers and Readers of Independent Literature" March 22-31, 2012The seeds of APRIL can be found in the 2010 Small Press Bookfest, an ambitious project of the late Pilot Books. APRIL aims to harness the spirit that made Pilot Books a community space and locus for daring and innovative writing.The goal of the festival is to connect readers with independent literature and the authors and publishers of this relevant and vitalizing work. The festival aims to celebrate independent writing and publishing and to foster community amongst the artists and appreciators who help make it thrive.With a successful Kickstarter campaign behind...