Tell a Story: Bringing literature to the tourists

tell a story book van

If you happen to be visiting Lisbon any time soon you might run into this blue book van at one of the cities main attractions.

The project is called Tell a Story and was created by the Portuguese advertising agency MSTF Partners. The goal is to expose visitors to a wide array of Portuguese literature in translation, in other words, to tourists that do not speak Portuguese.

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What visitor to Portugal wouldn’t benefit from a little José Saramago, Fernando Pessoa, or Eça de Queiroz ?

Luckily, Tell a Story is not a one-way street.

“There’s no better way to remember a journey than a book. And that nothing makes one travel more than reading. In a country of stories and great storytellers we want to challenge those who visit us to Tell a Story about Portugal” so Tell a Story has printed up postcards for tourists to share their stories of their trip.

The front of the postcards are graced with portraits of leading Portugese  writers.

tell a story

tell a story swag


tell a story saramago

José Saramago

If that’s not enough, Tell a Story has also  created a few downloadable digital fonts based on the handwriting of Portuguese authors  to inspire you to write like them.


tell a story font

Wow! just think if every city, town and country was so passionate about sharing their literary heritage…